sabato 10 febbraio 2024

Why Am I Here?

 Why Am I Here?

    Something interesting about me is that I am graduating a year earlier than I am supposed to. Currently, I am a senior when I should be a junior in undergrad. Completing this goal of mine has been challenging, but it has made me feel a lot more confident in my academics as well as my overall writing skills. To make sure that I was taking all my proper that was needed to graduate on time I took two semesters of 20 credits. My peers would often tell me that this was "too much for me to handle" and that I shouldn't even attempt this at all. However, I did not end up listening to them and graciously entered my senior year of undergrad at 19. An accomplishment I am very proud of.       

    Since this is my last semester of undergrad, I have the option to take a lot more interesting classes than I have previously. Classes that range from traditional ballet to neuroscience. However, one of the required classes that I was originally supposed to take this semester was Media Law and Ethics. Unfortunately, this class collided with my capstone class which made me unable to take it. Despite that, I was then told to take Never Stay Silent as a substitution to fill the requirement. 

    As the first few weeks of class went by I slowly became more interested in the world of journalism as well as found it interesting to learn about the history of it. My major is Pop Culture & Media Production where I mainly learn about how popular culture affects our lives through movies and television. So I've learned very minimal information about journalism and how that affects our world. 

    So far in class what I have found the most interesting is how journalists today are censored. Censored for doing normal journalism such as interviewing someone and attempting to get the truth out to the public. Although I am not a journalist myself, I can understand how this can be extremely frustrating when you simply are just trying to do your job. I personally feel that this has become more of an issue in our world because people have become more and more sensitive to topics such as politics, which makes them want to censor others from hearing the truth. 

    As I start to learn more in Never Stay Silent I am interested in learning how women have played a role in the world of journalism. I desire to learn more about this because as a woman myself in the world of media I often sometimes face scrutiny for the male-dominated ambitions that I have, such as wanting to become an attorney in the future. So when I hear about women who have defined all odds and done something that people would have expected a man to do over a woman, it inspires me and gives me more drive to pursue my goals and ambitions. 

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What I Learned This Semester

 This semester I had the privilege of learning about the history of journalism starting all the way back from the 17th century.  One of the ...