giovedì 15 febbraio 2024

EOTO 1: National Press Photographers Association & American Society of Magazine Editors

 For my first, Each One Teach One presentation I focused on two didn't organizations of journalism. The National Press Photographers Association and The American Society of Magazine Editors. When learning about these two organizations I found it very interesting how these two organizations that focus on visual journalism have had so much impact on how we view our news today. Visual journalism focuses on how images and symbolism influence how we perceive the news. These organizations all focus on free speech and allowing their journalists to speak freely in order for the truth to be brought forward to the public. 

The National Press Photographers Association was founded by a man named Joseph Costa. Joesph Costa was a photographer and an editor for several magazines before he founded  The National Press Photographers Association. He founded this organization because he felt as though he was not able to write freely about the stories that he wanted to pursue and well as he felt that those freedoms should be granted to other journalists. Joseph Costa worked for  The National Press Photographers Association from 1946 to 1966 when he retired. However, soon enough he came out of retirement to teach photojournalism at Ball State University. 

 Having organizations such as  The National Press Photographers Association is important because they focus on details such as imagery and photography for articles which is important to the reader so that they can connect the story to the photo which has a further impact on the story overall. I also think having someone pioneer and lead an organization that focuses on journalists having the opportunity to write freely is significant because it allows them to express themselves as well as get the truth out about real-world stories. 

The second organization that I researched was The American Society of Magazine Editors.  The American Society of Magazine Editors is an organization that edits, manages, and produces magazines for publications.  The American Society of Magazine Editors focuses primarily on defending First Amendment Rights for their journalists.  They do this because they want their journalists to thrive in their work and feel that Free Speech is a human right they should exercise in their work. 

The American Society of Magazine Editors was founded in 1963 by a group of editors who wanted the right to write what they wanted about and felt was important. Thus they are very well known as First Amendment Rights advocates. In the early sixties when they first started their establishment they had a slow beginning due to the size of their small group of editors. However, over the decades they slowly began to expand. Today they focus primarily on their online presence as the popularity of print media is slowly on the decline due to the popularity of the internet. 

Journalists having a source such as The American Society of Magazine Editors is significant because today we live in a world where news sources have their own views and political parties and will censor information if they do not agree with it. Censorship is an issue in the world of journalism because it blocks the truth from getting out to the public and makes journalists write about the bigger issue. The American Society of Magazine Editors defends the First Amendment which allows their journalists to write on the issues they value important without fear of censorship. 


  • Historical Societies: Their Magazines and Their Editors , 

  • “National Press Photographers Association.” The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society , 2020, 

  • “About NPPA.” NPPA , 

  • Gordon, James R. “Jim,” and Joseph Costa. “National Press Photographers Association RECORDSMS3953.” Sclfind.Libs.Uga.Edu ,,improve%20government%20and%20media %20relations. 

  • “Joseph Costa Award.” NPPA , Accessed 8 Feb. 2024. 

Lucky you, Nina. “American Society of Magazine Editors Announces Winners of 2023 National Magazine Awards.” American Society of Magazine Editors ,

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